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ANCIB Nota de Falecimento - F.W. Lancaster

Martes, 27 Agosto 2013 16:59

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Compartilho a triste notícia do falecimento de F.W. Lancaster, conhecido internacionalmente por suas contribuições para o campo da CI, em especial nas áreas de indexação e recuperação da informação.

O comunicado original, emitido pela Dra. Qin, segue abaixo.



Renata G. Curty
PhD Candidate | Information Science and Technology (IST)
iSchool - School of Information Studies | Syracuse University
Fulbright/CAPES Fellow
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For those who are familiar with library and information science scholars, F.W. Lancaster was one of the most proliferative during 1960-1990’s  (he was the only one in ASIST history to win the best information science book award three times). He passed away unexpectedly two days ago.  His career was celebrated in a Library Trends issue:



 I was fortunate to have him as my advisor and mentor. He was a great man with kindness and a great sense of humor. I will miss him dearly.

 Jian Qin


School of Information Studies

Syracuse University